Key Takeaways From North Macedonia's General Elections
Right-wing opposition ousts ruling Social Democrats from power

May 10, 2024
In North Macedonia’s transformative national election this week, opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, led by Hristijan Mickoski, has achieved an historic victory, securing a decisive 43.2% in the parliamentary vote. Simultaneously, their Presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska Davkova is set to become the country’s first female president, with 65.1% of the vote.

Both outcomes reflect a strong public demand for substantial governance reform and a reevaluation of the national EU accession strategy, amidst growing dissatisfaction with the incumbent Social Democrats (SDSM), who also faced allegations of corruption and inefficacy.

The VMRO-DPMNE victory sets the stage for the party to form the new government, likely including a coalition with the opposition group VLEN, which secured 10.7% of the vote. This partnership is expected to provide VMRO-DPMNE with a stable majority, enabling a robust agenda focused on anti-corruption measures, judiciary reforms, and economic revitalization. The new administration is poised to prioritize initiatives that stimulate growth, attract foreign investment, and enhance the business environment. In terms of foreign policy, the new government faces the complex task of balancing nationalist policies with the pragmatic requirements of EU accession, including the sensitive issue of explicit constitutional reference to the Bulgarian minority as founding people of the independent and sovereign state.

As VMRO-DPMNE prepares to govern, their ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial in determining North Macedonia’s trajectory towards stability and European integration. The effectiveness of these policy shifts, coupled with strategic international engagements, will define the country’s path forward in the regional and global arenas.
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Dominik Istrate, Research Director for Central & Eastern Europe at